Understanding ASTM standards: A key to quality and performance
ASTM International plays an important role in ensuring building product consistency and safety

Formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International develops consensus technical standards that ensure the quality and reliability of materials, products, systems and services across a wide range of industries.
But what exactly does this mean for those in the construction industry, particularly when it comes to product testing and safety for building materials such as gypsum board products?
The role of ASTM in building materials
ASTM standards serve as important guidelines that help define product quality, enhance safety and build consumer confidence.
Although ASTM is not a regulatory body, its standards often become mandatory when adopted by model building codes such as the International Building Code. For example, gypsum board products must meet the requirements of ASTM C1396, a product standard that outlines the minimum physical characteristics and performance-based requirements for drywall.
A brief history of ASTM
ASTM was founded in 1898 to address the issue of frequent rail breaks affecting the country’s rapidly growing railroad industry. The first ASTM standard, established in 1901, was designed to ensure consistency and quality across steel rail suppliers nationwide. Since then, ASTM has expanded its scope to include over 12,000 standards — covering, as they say on their website, everything from “toys to jet fuel.”
For the construction industry, one of the earliest ASTM standards relevant to gypsum boards was ASTM C36, introduced in 1921. This standard specification for gypsum board laid the foundation for ensuring the quality and consistency of drywall products. Over the years, ASTM has continued to evolve, introducing new standards like ASTM C1396, Standard Specification for Gypsum Board, and ASTM C1658, Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Panels, which cover various types of gypsum board and glass mat gypsum panels.
Resource Alert: Learn more about ASTM C36, along with how gypsum board assemblies are fire tested in accordance with ASTM E119.
Types of ASTM standards for gypsum board
While there are several types of ASTM standards, in the context of gypsum board performance, the most important ones to understand relate to product, testing and application standards.
ASTM product standards
These standards define the minimum physical characteristics or performance-based requirements for a product or material. For products manufactured by National Gypsum’s affiliate companies, Gold Bond Building Products, LLC, PermaBASE Building Products, LLC and ProForm Finishing Products, LLC, reference the following chart for guidance on which ASTM product standard applies.

ASTM test standards
ASTM also sets standards for testing to ensure consistency regardless of which independent lab performs the test. Standards like ASTM E119 for fire testing and ASTM E90 for sound transmission testing are designed to evaluate the performance of materials under specific conditions. These tests are crucial for ensuring that products meet safety and performance criteria.
ASTM test standards related to gypsum board performance include:
- ASTM C473, Standard Test Methods for Physical Testing of Gypsum Panel Products
- ASTM E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
- ASTM E90, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements
- ASTM E119, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials
- ASTM D3273, Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber
- ASTM D3274, Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Surface Disfigurement of Paint Films by Fungal or Algal Growth, or Soil and Dirt Accumulation
- ASTM C1629, Standard Classification for Abuse-Resistant Nondecorated Interior Gypsum Panel Products and Fiber-Reinforced Cement Panels
“ASTM C1629 is referred to and specified as a test standard, but it’s actually a classification standard that references four other test standards,” says Sam Halverson, construction services manager with National Gypsum’s 1-800-NATIONAL® Construction Services team. “C1629 applies a number (Level 1–3) based on how the drywall product scores on these testing methods: D4977 Surface Abrasion, D5420 Surface Indentation Resistance, E695 Soft-Body Impact, and Annex A1 Hard-Body Impact.”
Resource Alert: Explore the differences between regular gypsum boards, abuse-resistant gypsum boards and impact-resistant gypsum boards, along with the four testing methods included in ASTM C1629.
ASTM application standards
Application standards describe the requirements for the installation of a product that meets a given product standard. By adhering to these standards, manufacturers and construction professionals can ensure their products and building projects meet the necessary regulatory requirements and perform as expected in their intended applications.
ASTM application standards related to gypsum board include:
- ASTM C840, Standard Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board
- ASTM C1280, Standard Specification for Application of Exterior Gypsum Panel Products for Use as Sheathing
If you have questions related to products provided by National Gypsum, the experts on the 1-800-NATIONAL Construction Services team are available to provide guidance and support.
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