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Step-by-step guide to installing drywall

Oct 24, 2023

How to install Gold Bond XP Gypsum Board from your pre-installation checklist to finishing the job

Looking for a step-by-step guide on how to install gypsum wall board? This informative video from our 1-800-NATIONAL® Construction Services team includes:


Know the benefits of the boards

Not all drywall is created equal, and some products perform better in certain rooms than others. While all drywall is gypsum-based and naturally fire-resistant, the PURPLE family of high-performance drywall products from National Gypsum offers additional benefits. These products are designed to resist moisture, mold, and mildew, making them ideal for use in areas that are prone to dampness or humidity. In addition, they’re UL GREENGUARD certified for better indoor air quality.

Before you begin installation

  • Inspect the wall framing for defects that may need to be fixed first.
  • Measure the framing spacing to determine the right board length. Make sure the boards are at maximum practical length. Measure from the floor to mark the location of all receptacles.
  • Prepare the XP® Gypsum Board. Mark your measurements on the board and make your cut, snapping the board away from the cut.

How to install

  • Starting in the corner, hang the board at a right angle to the wall framing.
  • Fasten the board to the framing. Use bugle head drywall screws, spaced 12-16 inches apart on the framing. Use the GridMarX® guide marks as a reference for screw placement.
  • Cut out the receptacles you marked earlier.
  • Measure, mark and cut your remaining boards. Continue installation, installing the remaining boards at right angles while making sure edges are touching.

How to finish the job

  • Place joint tape along board joints and on the inside corners. Apply three coats of joint compound on the tape and screw heads allowing each to dry per the manufacturer recommendation. Sand all rough edges once dry.

Have additional questions? Refer to the XP Family of Interior Products literature or reach out to the technical experts on National Gypsum’s Construction Services team at 1-800-NATIONAL®.

National Gypsum Company is the exclusive service provider for the XP family of products manufactured by Gold Bond Building Products, LLC.

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