National Gypsum Introduces Innovative MaX 16® Fastener Pattern
RSMeans data from Gordian time/motion study shows the new 16” o.c. optimized fastener pattern will deliver significant labor and material savings for commercial drywall installation.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (March 14, 2023) – National Gypsum Company is introducing the MaX 16® optimized fastener pattern at this week’s Build 23: AWCI’s Convention & Expo in Las Vegas. The industry’s only 16” o.c. optimized fastener pattern for single layer, 1-hour UL fire-rated assemblies on metal framing spaced 16” on center is the company’s newest innovative working property.
Applicators will no longer need to discern between non-rated single-layer partitions and most 1-hour fire-rated steel stud assemblies with metal framing spaced 16” on center. The new 16” x 16” fastener pattern is applicable for both horizontal and vertical applications.
The combination of the new MaX 16 fastener pattern with National Gypsum’s patented GridMarX® installation guide marks will make installation simple and save time and money. A recent time/motion study conducted by RSMeans data from Gordian identified that when compared to the industry standard pattern, using MaX 16 with GridMarX will save up to 46% in installation time and as much as 24 screws per 4’ x 12’ board when applied in a vertical orientation.
“Using MaX 16 with GridMarX will result in significant savings in installation time, labor cost and material cost,” said Matt Gallagher, Gypsum Systems Product Manager for National Gypsum. “The implications for increased fastener accuracy, enhanced installation quality and easier assurance of compliance are enormous – helping both the contractor and code official.”
GridMarX installation guide marks are printed on the surface of all 4-foot-wide gypsum board products manufactured by Gold Bond Building Products and provided by National Gypsum. Guide marks run along the board lengthwise every 4 inches along both edges, at 16” from each edge, and down the center 24” from each edge, to help quickly identify fastener lines for studs and joist framing. Cuts can be made without having to draw lines.
“Labor and materials are among the most significant construction costs,” said Jay Watt, Director of Marketing for National Gypsum. “We are continually seeking innovative ways at National Gypsum to help our partners increase productivity and efficiency on the job site. We expect MaX 16 will provide even greater value than what our customers have already realized with both GridMarX and MaX 12.”
MaX 12® was the industry’s first 12” o.c. optimized fastener pattern for single layer, 1-hour UL fire-rated assemblies on metal framing spaced 24” on center. It was recognized as the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s (AWCI) 2021 Excellence in Construction Innovation Award winner.
National Gypsum’s new MaX Calculator provides an opportunity to determine the savings of using MaX 16 or MaX 12. The user can simply enter their labor and fastener costs, square footage of the job, and labor type to calculate the potential amount of labor and materials saved on their next project.
About National Gypsum Company
National Gypsum Company, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, is the exclusive service provider of reliable, high-performance products manufactured by its affiliate companies, Gold Bond Building Products LLC, ProForm Finishing Products LLC and PermaBASE Building Products LLC, and marketed under the Gold Bond®, DEXcell®, ProForm® and PermaBASE® brands. Our affiliates’ strategic network of product manufacturing facilities, quarries and paper plants located throughout North America allows us to provide the best customer service to keep projects moving forward. The National Gypsum name has been synonymous with high-quality, innovative products and exceptional customer service since 1925.
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