Six great reasons to add DEXcell® to your roof system

Discover why you should include DEXcell Roof Boards in your next roof assembly.

Specify DEXcell® to strengthen your roof assemblies.
DEXcell® Roof Boards recently celebrated 10 years as a roofing products brand. “Over the past decade, through extensive system tests and approvals, we’ve established a network of system manufacturer partners that positions DEXcell to compete in the coverboard space,” says Warren Barber, product sales manager for DEXcell at National Gypsum Company. “You can now use DEXcell hard coverboards across most membrane manufacturer partners and distributors nationwide.”
As Phil Redmon, senior manager of DEXcell at National Gypsum Company, adds: “Not only does a hard coverboard safeguard the waterproofing membrane above and the insulation below – now more valuable than ever – it also provides protection against the elements: Rain, hail, snow and beyond.”
When specifying any DEXcell roof board product, make sure it is part of the approved system from your select membrane manufacturer. If you have questions about specifying, please reach out to me and I will get the answers you need.
National Gypsum Company is the exclusive service provider of DEXcell. DEXcell gypsum roof board products are manufactured by Gold Bond Building Products, LLC. DEXcell cement roof board products are manufactured by PermaBASE Building Products, LLC.
These membrane manufacturers all approve and partner with DEXcell.

Six great reasons to include DEXcell Roof Boards in your assembly.
Learn how DEXcell can reinforce your roof assemblies and help protect your customers’ long-term investments.
- Helps protect against fires on the roof and inside the building. DEXcell roof board products deliver Class A fire ratings for sloped roofs. There are two roof/ceiling assembly ratings provided by UL Solutions to consider when designing a roof assembly. DEXcell products provide a thermal barrier to achieve both rating types. For details, visit the NGConnects Blog post: “How DEXcell Roof Boards deliver Class A fire ratings for sloped roofs.”
- Improves the roof assembly's thermal performance. Beyond meeting R-value requirements, protecting the roof membrane from rapid and wide temperature fluctuations is equally important. Learn how DEXcell roof board products provide an essential heat sink barrier that could extend the life of the roof by reviewing this NGConnects Blog post: “How DEXcell Roof Boards improve roof assembly thermal performance.”
- Defends the roof from hail damage. What’s been called “America’s most underrated climate risk” – hail – can cause rapid and unpredictable physical damage only outmatched by tornadoes and wildfires. Read more in this NGConnects Blog post: “Defending your roof from hail damage.”
- Works well as protective coverboards for many low-slope roof assemblies. “We offer proven long-term solutions to ensure protection for the membrane above and the insulation below it,” says Barber. “When installed correctly, coverboards can also help extend the life of a roof.” For details, visit this NGConnects Blog post: “Benefits of using a coverboard on low-slope roofing.”
- Stands up to damage caused by foot traffic. Routine human traffic can pose a regular risk to the integrity of a roof. A crew of average-sized installers (175-plus pounds) doing repairs or general maintenance on the roof with equipment in tow can cause even more damage, every day, during any season. Read about it in this NGConnects Blog post: “How to protect your low-slope commercial roof from human impact.”
- Reduces outside sound transmission. Whether it’s heavy traffic, nearby construction machinery or a thundering rainstorm, including a coverboard in your roof system design can help reduce the transmission of outdoor airborne sound. This helps produce peaceful indoor environments that promote productivity and health. Read more about it: “Using roof coverboard to reduce outside sound transmission.”

Four great roof boards. Designed to take on any challenge.
DEXcell roof board products cover the entire spectrum of commercial roofing applications.
- For mechanically attached membrane systems
- Ideal as a fire and thermal barrier substrate
DEXcell FA® Glass Mat Roof Board
- For adhered membrane systems
- Recommended for parapet walls
- Ideal for high-moisture applications
- Extremely durable and high-compressive strength
DEXcell FA VSH® Glass Mat Roof Board
- Solution for FM VSH applications
- Provides maximum hail and puncture resistance
“One of the most important parts of any building is the roof. Including DEXcell Roof Boards in the roofing assembly helps protect your clients’ most valuable asset: their people. Protection from the weather and foot traffic is crucial to the long-term performance of any roof. No matter the type of low-slope roof you are specifying, there is a DEXcell roof board product for the application.”
Scott Hughes

Scott Hughes
Construction Design ManagerNational Gypsum Company“Warranties are an important part of the overall roof package. Check out our membrane manufacturer partners and make sure as a specifier you are getting the most competitive scenario and the warranty you need on bid day. Also, make sure you include DEXcell Roof Boards in your specifications. As National Gypsum construction design managers, we are here to help whether you’re an architect, a roof consultant, contractor or specifier.”
Amy Wilson

Amy Wilson
Construction Design ManagerNational Gypsum CompanyClick here to sign-up for our newsletter.