Worry-Free Pre-Rock Installations

OnBoard Newsletter | October 2020
Pre-rocking can speed up construction and cut costs. But pre-rocking or installing gypsum panels before a building is dried in, also includes precautionary tales.

Yes, you can hang drywall before the roof is fully installed. You can also hang it before windows and doors are installed. In fact, you can facilitate pre-rocking in most areas of an unfinished building that’s not weather tight – provided you specify a high-performance fiberglass-faced gypsum panel like Gold Bond® eXP® Interior Extreme®.
Unprotected Drywall is Usually Asking for Trouble
During pre-rock phase the interior construction area is wide open, so it is easier and faster to install panels that comply with requirements for fire-rated construction and enable MEP installation to begin. But pre-rocking can backfire if you don’t specify the right gypsum panel.
Standard paper-faced drywall hung at the job site too soon is an invitation for moisture damage from humidity or incidental water. It doesn’t take long for mold to get a foothold on what you have installed prior to the building being weather tight.
Start Construction Sooner with eXP Interior Extreme

Pre-rock with confidence when you use fiberglass-faced eXP Interior Extreme, which is moisture and mold resistant. Standard paper-faced gypsum boards have organic components that can feed mold growth. Moisture intrusion and humidity will not affect eXP Interior Extreme. So, you can hang it in critical areas, such as plumbing chases, electrical conduit and HVAC duct enclosure before the structure is completely dried in. There is no need to delay hanging eXP Interior Extreme in plenum areas, in core construction, on the interior side of exterior walls or in mechanical areas.
Accelerate Your Project Schedule and Reduce Construction Costs
eXP Interior Extreme is a premium panel with a higher first cost than a standard paper-faced gypsum board, but it is less costly than remediating mold-impacted drywall. The peace of mind you’ll have is worth the upcharge at the start. So, you can safely and responsibly accelerate your project schedule without adding liability.
"I receive inquiries from architects reporting there is mildew on our mold-resistant board on a new construction site. When I begin to ask questions, I am told the building is not dried in yet and the board is our Gold Bond XP Gypsum Board (paper-faced) not our Gold Bond eXP Interior Extreme Gypsum Panel (fiberglass-faced). After we review the differences between each and the benefits of using eXP Interior Extreme Gypsum Panel, the architect will typically modify their specifications to include eXP Interior Extreme for any pre-rock conditions.”
Frank Fuller
Frank Fuller
Construction Design ManagerNational GypsumContact Your Construction Design Manager
Your Construction Design Manager is here to answer any questions you may have about pre-rocking or specifying eXP Interior Extreme. Our goal is always to help you design and build better.
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