Metro Interiors highlights heavy duty board options from Gold Bond
Chris Whitmire, Director of Product Marketing discusses the difference between Gold Bond Hi-Abuse and Hi-Impact drywall.

Metro Interiors sat down with Chris Whitmire, Director of Product Marketing at National Gypsum to discuss two of the marquee products provided by National Gypsum, Gold Bond® XP® Hi-Abuse® Gypsum Board, and Gold Bond® XP® Hi-Impact® Gypsum Board.
"While both products are part of the same XP family and offer moisture and mold resistance, Whitmire notes the importance of understanding the differences between the two. “A lot of times, architects will specify both products together as ‘high abuse/high impact,’” Whitmire explains. “But they are not interchangeable – there are cost and performance differences to consider. It really depends on the wall’s intended function and what the architect is trying to achieve.”"
"The biggest difference lies in the presence of the fiberglass mesh in the Hi-Impact board. “With Hi-Abuse, you’re mainly looking at surface abrasion resistance—it’s ideal for spaces like schools or public lobbies, where backpacks or bags rub against the walls,” he says. “On the other hand, Hi-Impact is for places where there’s a need to prevent damage beyond the surface, such as hospitals or correctional facilities.”"
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